What our clients are saying
“I met Nancy Cole at a time in my life when I was completely desperate and I’d run out of the energy to help myself. I’d been suffering with severe fatigue, joint inflammation and pain, and frustrating weakness for about six months.”I met Nancy Cole at a time in my life when I was completely desperate and I’d run out of the energy to help myself. I’d been suffering with severe fatigue, joint inflammation and pain, and frustrating weakness for about six months.
I met Nancy Cole at a time in my life when I was completely desperate and I’d run out of the energy to help myself…that night I slept through the night for the first time in months. When I woke I had none of the shoulder pain that woke me up several times on normal nights.
I couldn’t hold a cup of coffee with one hand. I’d been to doctor after doctor and had various diagnoses proposed, various anti-inflammatories prescribed and a multitude of vitamin supplements recommended. I tried them all to no avail when finally a friend who’d been to Nancy for reflexology recommended her. Never having tried any alternative therapies such as acupuncture or chiropractics, I was skeptical. But I was willing to give anything a try. Nancy put me in a snug room, covered me with a blanket and started to work on my feet while she heard my story. At some points she took notes on my symptoms and asked questions. I felt listened to, understood and respected. I relaxed under her care, even though I was amazed at how firm the treatment was – not the massage I expected! That night I slept through the night for the first time in months. When I woke I had none of the shoulder pain that woke me up several times on normal nights.
For the next few months, I saw Nancy twice a week while I continued my search for a doctor and a diagnosis. With the increased sleep and lessened pain, I had more energy to put toward pursuing my healing. She listened when I wanted to talk, answered thoughtfully when I asked questions and was thoughtfully quiet when I just needed to have silence. Eventually I found a specialist who diagnosed me with Acute Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis, an auto-immune disease whose main initial effect is inflammation in joints. Nancy did extra research and reading to find out what other reflexologists had experienced treating those with RA. I firmly believe that the reflexology was so effective because it helped move the fluid and toxins out of my joints. Nancy was wonderfully supportive as I went through my emotional roller coaster. Many days just the start of therapy would bring me to tears, I was so on the edge and needy. As I got better, Nancy celebrated with me and happily graduated me to just once a month sessions. I’ve since referred many friends to Nancy – both those who are sick and those who are stressed. Sometimes the two go hand in hand, and I believe Nancy is uniquely gifted to support healing in those of us in that situation.”
“Reflexology has been a part of most of my adult life since I sustained a severe foot and ankle injury in my youth. I have received reflexology treatment from seven different reflexologists over a fourteen year period and it is with this background that I can enthusiastically speak of Nancy Cole as the most insightful, professional and skillful reflexologist that I have ever visited.
I can enthusiastically speak of Nancy Cole as the most insightful, professional and skillful reflexologist that I have ever visited…she possesses a medical sensibility combined with a warm and generous manner.
She possesses a medical sensibility combined with a warm and generous manner. She has helped me with winter colds, stomach ailments and general stress as well as relieved pain associated with my injury. She is vivacious and warm and able to communicate clearly and kindly with her clients… after three or four visits, I was struck by how completely I was affected by the work.”
“I decided that I would try a series of sessions with Nancy Cole, so that I could see how I felt after a number of visits. From the very first session, Nancy was clear, thoughtful, aware, and sensitive to what my feet could and could not tolerate. I suffer from chronic headaches, and Nancy was willing to work deeply in order to respond to what my body was telling her. I was astonished that she could identify how I was feeling through the soles of my feet! But I am grateful that I decided to get a series, because if I had only had one visit, I might have simply described the experience as nice and left it at that. But after three or four visits, I was struck by how completely I was affected by the work.
From the very first session, Nancy was clear, thoughtful, aware, and sensitive to what my feet could and could not tolerate. I suffer from chronic headaches, and Nancy was willing to work deeply in order to respond to what my body was telling her. I was astonished that she could identify how I was feeling through the soles of my feet!
Each time I have a session with Nancy, I leave calmer and quieter, and then four or five hours later I have a strong burst of energy (I think that is from my internal organs being stimulated, but don’t ask me, ask Nancy!). I am an actor and I work all over the country, but I am always happy to get hired in Chicago, because I then can work AND see Nancy once or twice a week for reflexology. I find that I am more flexible, more agile, and more grounded from her treatments. And I count on the wave of energy I get from her work to help me perform. There really is nothing like it—- my body positively soars! I have since chased other practitioners in other towns, but I have yet to meet anyone on a par with Nancy Cole. She is an expert and she is wonderful to be around. Your feet will thank you!